The Survival Manual

Every day is mental health day

Take the first step and use this “Survival Manual” to learn more about your own mental health and things that you can do to look after yourself. When you feel ready, start having conversations with your loved ones about mental health. The more we all talk about it, the less stigma there will be about sharing our feelings and challenges.

How the Survival Manual will help you 

Did you know that according to the World Health Organization mental health conditions account for a considerable proportion of the global disease burden during adolescence and are the leading cause of disability in young people?

And despite these high prevalence rates and the negative impacts of poor mental health on education, health, and employment outcomes, youth mental health seems to be neglected in the global public health space and development investments[1].

In this Survival Manual, you will find helpful tips to keep your mental well-being as fit as it can be. You’ll also find resources for self-help, as well as for professional help. 



[1] “MHPSS Worldwide: facts and figures,”